Peace Love Unity Respect “All are welcome here”

Every year “ravers” from all around the world gather together in the Nevada desert to dance and unite for three nights under the electric sky. Its the one place in the world where you can be yourself. Free to be who you truly are without the fear of being judged. You’ll find nonjudgmental people, not an ounce of negativity behind their eyes. All are truly welcomed here, doesn't’ matter where your from, or who you are, whether you old or young, your religious beliefs, or your sexual orientation. We all come here to celebrate one another, love one another, and most importantly dance to our favorite DJ’s/Producers.
It truly is paradise on earth! Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) Las Vegas is the Mecca of dance music festivals, the largest music festival in North America with an average attendance of 135,000 people per night. 8 fully immerse stages, production is out of this world, lasers, pyros, and LED’s every where you look. There’s nothing like it anywhere else in the world. You’ll find people in costumes, performers, art installations, art cars, insane firework shows, you can even attend weddings! Three nights of pure bliss. You truly are under the electric sky from dusk till dawn at EDC. This year we will see camping and an opening ceremony during the day light!

This will be my 5th EDC, I go every year to get away from all the drama and negativity that has surrounded me throughout the year. People will go on vacation to Hawaii or some other county and or city for vacation. I go to Vegas every year, but I don’t go for Vegas, I go for EDC! Every year I look out into the crowds, wondering if there’re any other natives like me here. And every year I always happen to run into at least one. That gave me an idea! Why can’t we all get together and have the opportunity to meet one another in a group setting? Which is what motivated me to create a Facebook Group “Native American Ravers EDC 2018”. Its a group that celebrates our love for dance music, our passion for the “PLUR” community. Never did I expect for the group to grow everyday. Currently there are 100+ members, members from all over the county! If you like to join here is the link to the Facebook Group!
I am honored to be able to share my experiences of EDC with you all! Also am honored to be one of the official bloggers for Wild Saguaro Records. They will be supplying some kandi and other promo items for me to give out at the meet and greets the FB Group is planning during EDC festivities. These next few weeks are going to be insane! So much planning and preparing to do, I will do my best to document everything as best I can. You can follow me on Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, & YouTube!
Until next time - Lenny :)
#PLUR #UnderTheElectricSky #NativeAmericanRavers # ElectricDaisyCarnival #LasVegas #EDM #ElectronicDanceMusic #EDC #Ravers #PeaceLoveUnityRespect #KineticLove
Can't wait to see more of your posts, Lenny! Thanks for sharing your experiences with our community!